SOSvirtual E-Learning
Data processing
Being a virtual training service of SOS Children's Villages, SOSvirtual manages personal data of its users. This data is collected through a learning system and managed through its own database. The following sections detail relevant information on how other data is managed and what are the commitments assumed by SOSvirtual when accessing, storing, processing and disposing of the information collected.
The data processing activity at SOSvirtual is governed by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is the European Regulation 2016/679 of the Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, which establishes specific requirements for companies and organizations on the protection of natural persons with regard to processing (collection, storage and management) of personal data and the free movement of such data.
Why do we collect your data?
Because SOSvirtual provides a personalized and optimal experience at each stage of the training service to all its users and because the analysis of this data allows to take actions of continuous improvement that allow to achieve the objectives of capacity development and measure its impact within the Organization. The purposes of the management of personal data by SOSvirtual are:
-Registration and access to the training platform: To manage access to the offer of virtual courses, it is essential to manage the registration of users who access the training environment.
-Monitoring of participation in virtual courses. You can relate the results of participation in each activity performed or not performed by a user (data subject).
-Issuance of certificates. Thanks to the identification of personal data of users who successfully complete a course, certificates are issued for the virtual courses carried out.
-Reporting service. The data generated in the training service allows us to model general accumulated and also detailed reports such as participation lists that are consumed by people responsible for accessing this data and that are described later in the point Who can access your data?.
-Communication. Various personal data collected, allow to send personalized and / or group messages according to specific information objectives, related to virtual training processes.
What personal data do we collect?
The personal data we collect are:
-Names and Surnames
-Organizational mail. It is the personal mail in the case of collaborators without an organizational account.
-City (optional)
-Entity (e.g., National Association, International Office, Other Organizations)
-Working area
-Gender (optional)
-Date of birth (optional)
-Profile picture (optional)
-Name organization. This personal data is only collected from external public of SOS Children’s Villages. SOS.
-Cross-border mentoring country. This personal data is only collected from external public of SOS Children’s Villages.
When do we collect your data?
-SOS Children's Villages co-workers
Although the SOSvirtual portal is public, most of its training offer allows exclusive access by collaborators of SOS Children's Villages. From all the data listed in the previous point, the names and surnames (username) and the organizational email of SOS Children's Villages collaborators who have an organizational account in the global instance of Office 365, are obtained at the moment their organizational accounts are created. This occurs due to the integration between the Active Directory of SOS Children's Villages with the SOSvirtual Learning Management System. However (except for your email which is the user's identifier), the system asks the user to update their personal data if it is the first time they enter. Afterwards, your personal data can be updated at any time by the user himself. For example, if your position in the organization is updated or if you notice any spelling errors on your behalf.
-SOS Children’s Villages co-workers without organizational accounts
For co-workers who do not have an organizational account but are related to SOS Children’s Villages the procedure for creating accounts is done through the filling of a template with a specific format that collects all the fields mentioned in the previous point. This form is consolidated and sent to SOSvirtual by the responsible counterparts in the Member Associations or other instances such as the International Office, who have authorized the access of specific users. For these people, the same data processing applies as for any user.
-SOS Children’s Villages co-workers without organizational accounts
For people who do not have an organizational account and are not related to SOS Children's Villages the procedure for creating accounts is done by filling a creating account form that collects all the fields mentioned in the previous point. Once this form is filled and sent, the user will receive him/her credentials to access to the platform. For these people, the same data processing applies as for any user.
Data retention period
SOSvirtual only keeps a historical record of the courses taken and their completion, as well as a copy of the certificates issued, for a period of 3 years. Once this period has elapsed, the data will be securely deleted.
*Personal data of external students enrolled in the Volunteering in SOS Children's Villages course will be anonymized after three years.
This data retention policy is aligned with applicable legal requirements and ensures that your personal information is not kept for longer than necessary.
Who can access your data?
Access to the personal data information of SOSvirtual users is limited to persons belonging to instances responsible for specific processes. :
-SOSvirtual equipment. Accesses and processes the information of all SOSvirtual users for global and particular monitoring and to report to other stakeholders.
-Persons responsible for training and human resources in member associations and regional offices. They access the information of all users of their respective Member Association or Region, for consequent purposes that respond to their own processes and monitoring annual training plans.
-Facilitators/tutors. Those who accompany some courses of the training offer and within their roles are responsible for accompanying and contacting the participants.
-Content/course owners. Some courses are promoted by specific teams within the organization. For example, the Child Safeguarding at SOS Children's Villages course is promoted by the Child Protection team of the International Bureau, therefore, the people in charge of said team will be able to access the personal data of the users who participate in said course to measure its scope and impact.
-Other persons defined by the Management of Member Associations and Regional International Offices.
Updating of personal data by the user
SOSvirtual also facilitates the updating of the user's personal data.
If you want to update any data of your user profile as a spelling error in your surname, the update of your position in the Organization, your place of residence, or rectify any data that has been filled out incorrectly at the beginning, simply requires:
-Sign in
-Click on your profile name at the top right.
-Select the Profile option
-Within the User Details section, select the Edit Profile option.
-Finally save the changes made.
The only data that cannot be updated by the user is the email that in turn becomes their identifier, like an identity card, it cannot be altered.
Contact with those responsible for the processing of personal data
In order for a user to exercise their rights - Right to: be informed, to access, to correct, to delete, to restrict processing, to data portability, to object to processing, not to be subject to automated decision-making - they may contact the persons responsible for the processing of personal data in SOSvirtual, a written communication must be established by email, providing documentation proving your identity (ID or passport) to the following address: This communication must reflect the following information: Names and surnames of the person issuing the consultation, the request for application, the address and the supporting data.
More information
For more information on the regulations visit the following official sites:
Latest Update: April, 2024
The data processing activity at SOSvirtual is governed by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is the European Regulation 2016/679 of the Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, which establishes specific requirements for companies and organizations on the protection of natural persons with regard to processing (collection, storage and management) of personal data and the free movement of such data.
Why do we collect your data?
Because SOSvirtual provides a personalized and optimal experience at each stage of the training service to all its users and because the analysis of this data allows to take actions of continuous improvement that allow to achieve the objectives of capacity development and measure its impact within the Organization. The purposes of the management of personal data by SOSvirtual are:
-Registration and access to the training platform: To manage access to the offer of virtual courses, it is essential to manage the registration of users who access the training environment.
-Monitoring of participation in virtual courses. You can relate the results of participation in each activity performed or not performed by a user (data subject).
-Issuance of certificates. Thanks to the identification of personal data of users who successfully complete a course, certificates are issued for the virtual courses carried out.
-Reporting service. The data generated in the training service allows us to model general accumulated and also detailed reports such as participation lists that are consumed by people responsible for accessing this data and that are described later in the point Who can access your data?.
-Communication. Various personal data collected, allow to send personalized and / or group messages according to specific information objectives, related to virtual training processes.
What personal data do we collect?
The personal data we collect are:
-Names and Surnames
-Organizational mail. It is the personal mail in the case of collaborators without an organizational account.
-City (optional)
-Entity (e.g., National Association, International Office, Other Organizations)
-Working area
-Gender (optional)
-Date of birth (optional)
-Profile picture (optional)
-Name organization. This personal data is only collected from external public of SOS Children’s Villages. SOS.
-Cross-border mentoring country. This personal data is only collected from external public of SOS Children’s Villages.
When do we collect your data?
-SOS Children's Villages co-workers
Although the SOSvirtual portal is public, most of its training offer allows exclusive access by collaborators of SOS Children's Villages. From all the data listed in the previous point, the names and surnames (username) and the organizational email of SOS Children's Villages collaborators who have an organizational account in the global instance of Office 365, are obtained at the moment their organizational accounts are created. This occurs due to the integration between the Active Directory of SOS Children's Villages with the SOSvirtual Learning Management System. However (except for your email which is the user's identifier), the system asks the user to update their personal data if it is the first time they enter. Afterwards, your personal data can be updated at any time by the user himself. For example, if your position in the organization is updated or if you notice any spelling errors on your behalf.
-SOS Children’s Villages co-workers without organizational accounts
For co-workers who do not have an organizational account but are related to SOS Children’s Villages the procedure for creating accounts is done through the filling of a template with a specific format that collects all the fields mentioned in the previous point. This form is consolidated and sent to SOSvirtual by the responsible counterparts in the Member Associations or other instances such as the International Office, who have authorized the access of specific users. For these people, the same data processing applies as for any user.
-SOS Children’s Villages co-workers without organizational accounts
For people who do not have an organizational account and are not related to SOS Children's Villages the procedure for creating accounts is done by filling a creating account form that collects all the fields mentioned in the previous point. Once this form is filled and sent, the user will receive him/her credentials to access to the platform. For these people, the same data processing applies as for any user.
Data retention period
SOSvirtual only keeps a historical record of the courses taken and their completion, as well as a copy of the certificates issued, for a period of 3 years. Once this period has elapsed, the data will be securely deleted.
*Personal data of external students enrolled in the Volunteering in SOS Children's Villages course will be anonymized after three years.
This data retention policy is aligned with applicable legal requirements and ensures that your personal information is not kept for longer than necessary.
Who can access your data?
Access to the personal data information of SOSvirtual users is limited to persons belonging to instances responsible for specific processes. :
-SOSvirtual equipment. Accesses and processes the information of all SOSvirtual users for global and particular monitoring and to report to other stakeholders.
-Persons responsible for training and human resources in member associations and regional offices. They access the information of all users of their respective Member Association or Region, for consequent purposes that respond to their own processes and monitoring annual training plans.
-Facilitators/tutors. Those who accompany some courses of the training offer and within their roles are responsible for accompanying and contacting the participants.
-Content/course owners. Some courses are promoted by specific teams within the organization. For example, the Child Safeguarding at SOS Children's Villages course is promoted by the Child Protection team of the International Bureau, therefore, the people in charge of said team will be able to access the personal data of the users who participate in said course to measure its scope and impact.
-Other persons defined by the Management of Member Associations and Regional International Offices.
Updating of personal data by the user
SOSvirtual also facilitates the updating of the user's personal data.
If you want to update any data of your user profile as a spelling error in your surname, the update of your position in the Organization, your place of residence, or rectify any data that has been filled out incorrectly at the beginning, simply requires:
-Sign in
-Click on your profile name at the top right.
-Select the Profile option
-Within the User Details section, select the Edit Profile option.
-Finally save the changes made.
The only data that cannot be updated by the user is the email that in turn becomes their identifier, like an identity card, it cannot be altered.
Contact with those responsible for the processing of personal data
In order for a user to exercise their rights - Right to: be informed, to access, to correct, to delete, to restrict processing, to data portability, to object to processing, not to be subject to automated decision-making - they may contact the persons responsible for the processing of personal data in SOSvirtual, a written communication must be established by email, providing documentation proving your identity (ID or passport) to the following address: This communication must reflect the following information: Names and surnames of the person issuing the consultation, the request for application, the address and the supporting data.
More information
For more information on the regulations visit the following official sites:
Latest Update: April, 2024